
What's up

It’s been a while now.

As you may already know, I have made a transition to my Norwegian blog (http://speilbildet.no), but there are other things happening as well.

My son is getting older every day. He’s closing in on 7 months now, and he has already started to stand up, supporting himself on tables or anything I can get a hold on. He has even started to take a couple of steps while pushing a box in front of him. Needless to say there are intense and fun times right now.

In addition to that, I started in my new job 4 weeks ago. I have more fun at work than ever before, and I’m excited to go to work every morning now. One side effect of this is that I am more spend in the evening, resulting in less photography at the moment. I guess I will find time for more photography when the dust settles.

2 Responses to “What's up”

  1. December 15, 2009 at 21:18

    exciting times! Maybe share pictures of your son here.

  2. 2 Kjell
    December 16, 2009 at 13:23

    You’re right about the first one Robert. I enjoy reading your blog now. Lots of stuff happening there.

    I may share a couple of photos of my son, but I have policy not to put out that many personal photos of my family. I choose for myself, but not for them.

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